Children's Hospital tense following death of a child patient

Kathmandu, Aug 23: The Basundhara-based Ishan Children and Women's Hospital in Kathmandu remained tense today, following vandalism by the relatives and parents of a child who died in the course of treatment today morning.
The relatives and parents blamed negligence on the part of doctors involved in the child's treatment, leading to the death. Three-year-old Bikrishna Maharjan was admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital for treatment of pneumonia at around 1:00 am on Tuesday, said a family member.
However, the hospital administrative officer Bipin Jangam broke the bad news of the death of the child at around 5:45 am today morning, he said.
Jangam, however, said that the child, whose health was deteriorating, died in the course of treatment. The tense situation returned to normalcy after police intervention.
Meanwhile, the deceased's family has been refusing to receive the body, demanding an investigation into the case and the arrest of the guilty. RSS
हाम्रो डक्टर न्यूजका सम्पादक समेत रहेका भेटुवाल दशकभन्दा लामो समयदेखि पत्रकारितामा सक्रिय छन् ।