Breast cancer could be cured without chemo: study says

Kathmandu, December 15
A study by senior oncologists in Israel showed that breast cancer could be cured without chemo. Oncologists Dr. Shlomt Rizal from Assuta Medical Center in Rishon Lezion, Dr. Noa Ben Baruch from Kaplan Medical Center and Dr. Lior Shoshan-Gutman, CEO of "Oncotest" conducted the decade-long research and published the study in international journal "Nature Breast Cancer".
The study tracked 1365 female Israeli who had the two most common forms of the disease, ER+ and HER2-. They all had the disease discovered during its early phases.
The women went through an Oncotype DX checkup—a unique molecular checkup done on the tumor tissue of the patient during her biopsy or during her first surgery to remove to tumor—where a grade between one and 100 is giving to the risk level of the disease resurging and patient with a grade of 25 and lower, was advised to forgo chemotherapy.
In Oncotype DX checkup, biological profile is measured by measuring 21 unique genes found within the tumor cells. And as per the research results, about 97.4% of women who went under chemotherapy as a result of the checkup, never had the disease return and the mortality rate among the study group stood at only 0.7%.
This could be an important research at the time when people with the cancer has to for many times of chemotherapy that results in long lasting severe health ramifications.