Covid Pandemic..From Doctor's point of view

"To be frank, it reminds me of holocast, death was so easy, it seems like unpreventable for some instance. Despite that we somehow had gather ourselves with all our medical knowledge and courage to fight against unforgiving devils".
"Medically every different approach was tried. we were yet to find a great deal of success. we had to be happy with what we were able to achieve despite immense pressure, new virus and great effort".
"Remdesivir was successful in lesser number of patients in first weeks of outset of symptoms. It doesn't even show drastic improvement and was helpful in tough in the time of crisis. There were huge number of patient who needed ICU care and treatment. we were unable to provide heatlth services to all those patients in need despite having full fledged ICU, ventilators and HDU beds due to limited supply of oxygen. The crisis of oxygen added tragedy to our hopes and efforts which restored us to few number of beds facilities. The crisis led us to treat fewer number patients than our huge capacity of around 100".
"Tocilizumab found to be effective in only limited patient with defined investigation results. we treated some of the pateintts with ocilizumab too.(Some patients were given single does; some were given double dose, 400mg/each). Despite wholesome effors from every docors involved a their best to help he paein improve; there comes a horrib;e news of Bheri hospital. It made me immensely sad. Inspite of all emotional upheavel situation we had to coninue to work and help the paient he way we can".
"Finally lockdown hough doesn't seem o be sole solution, somehow has helped to minimize the rae of transmission which ulimately menized number of patient. Fewer number of patient neither our limited capacity can be severf well. Vaccinated pattient with both doses found to be less infected and with single dose found to be less severe and has not resuled in mortaliy to for extent".
"The solution we have in hand righ now is to abide by all safety measures and get vaccinated as soon as possible".
(Dr.Bhattarai is a Medical Incharge in KDC General Hospital)